Bills By topic
Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Amendment Bill B38-2015
Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Amendment Bill B38-2015 [B. 38 - 2015] →
Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company Amendment Bill B6-2018
To amend the Air Traffic and Navigation Services Company Act, 1993, so as to insert new definitions; to provide for a subsidiary to perform... →
Economic Regulation of Transport Bill B1-2020
To consolidate the economic regulation of transport within a single framework and policy; to establish the Transport Economic Regulator; to... →
Marine Oil Pollution (Preparedness, Response and Cooperation) Bill B10-2022
Marine Oil Pollution (Preparedness, Response and Cooperation) Bill B10-2022 →
Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Amendment Bill B5-2022
Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Amendment Bill B5-2022 →
Merchant Shipping (Civil Liability Convention) Bill B20-2013
Merchant Shipping (Civil Liability Convention) Bill B20 - 2013 →
Merchant Shipping (Civil Liability Convention) Bill B20A-2013
Merchant Shipping (Civil Liability Convention) Bill B20A - 2013 →