Bills By topic
Firearms Control Amendment Bill (B 12-2006)
To amend the Firearms Control Act, 2000, so as to amend, delete and insert certain definitions; to provide for the control of muzzle loading... →
Firearms Control Amendment Bill (B 12B-2006)
To amend the Firearms Control Act, 2000, so as to amend, delete and insert certain definitions; to provide for the control of muzzle loading... →
Firearms Control Amendment Bill (B 12D-2006)
To amend the Firearms Control Act, 2000, so as to amend, delete and insert certain definitions; to provide for the control of muzzle loading... →
iKamva National E-Skills Institute Bill B10-2018
To provide for the promotion of the use of information and communication technologies; to provide for the establishment of iKamva National e-Skills... →
Independent Electricity Management Operator Bill B14-2019
To provide for the establishment of an Independent Electricity Management Operator as a public-private partnership entity which will provide an... →
Infrastructure Development Bill B49-2013
Infrastructure Development Bill [B. 49 - 2013] →
National Small Enterprise Amendment Bill B16-2023
To amend the National Small Enterprise Act, 1996, in order to amend, delete, insert and to substitute certain definitions; to provide for the... →
National Small Enterprise Amendment Bill B16A-2023
National Small Enterprise Amendment Bill B16A-2023 →