Bills By topic
Defence Special Tribunal Bill (B 100B-1998)
To enable the Labour Court to act as a special tribunal in the adjudication of disputes which arise out of the implementation of transitional... →
Government Employees Pension Law Amendment Bill (B 4-2003)
To amend the Government Employees Pension Law, 1996, so as to provide for the recognition of service rendered in a non-statutory military force or... →
Government employees pension law amendment bill (B 4B-2003)
To amend the Government Employees Pension Law, 1996, so as to provide for the recognition of service rendered in a non-statutory military force or... →
Implementation of the Geneva Conventions Bill B10-2011
Implementation of the Geneva Conventions Bill B10-2011 →
Implementation of the Geneva Conventions Bill B10A-2011
Implementation of the Geneva Conventions Bill B10A-2011 →
Implementation of the Geneva Conventions Bill B10B-2011
Implementation of the Geneva Conventions Bill B10B-2011 →
Judicial Matters Amendment Bill (B95-1997)
To amend the Insolvency Act, 1936, so as to further regulate the obtaining of legal assistance by the trustee of an insolvent estate; and to make... →
Judicial Matters Amendment Bill (B95B-1997)
To amend the Insolvency Act, 1936, so as to further regulate the obtaining of legal assistance by the trustee of an insolvent estate; to amend the... →