Deepening Democracy through Access to Information


Ann Bernstein

Micro developers open doors and windows for solving SA’s housing problem

10th December 2020 Densification can deliver affordable housing close to workplaces and city resources. SA’s urban population is expanding, creating a growing need... 

NEHAWU Limpopo Demands Protection of Its Members At The Department of Public Works

NEHAWU Limpopo Demands Protection of Its Members At The Department of Public Works

17th November 2020 The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) in Limpopo is extremely worried about the health and safety of its members at the... 

Ann Bernstein

We need a radical rethink on housing and urban development

16th November 2020 For many poorer South Africans, location trumps ownership. It is usually far better to rent accommodation in Orange Grove than to own a house in... 

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Latest Decisions By The Competition Commission

Latest Decisions By The Competition Commission

13th November 2020 The Competition Commission of South Africa (CCSA) held its ordinary weekly meeting on Tuesday 10 November 2020, to review and take decisions on... 

Communications Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams

Embattled SA post office searching for an expert to turn things around, says Ndabeni-Abrahams  

By: News24Wire      3rd November 2020 Communications Minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams says the government is looking for an expert to fix the SA Post Office. SAPO's turnaround plan will... 

South Africa lacks political might, original thinking required to tackle unemployment crisis, says BLSA CEO

By: Donna Slater     5th October 2020 Although the Covid-19 crisis was always going to cause an unemployment crisis, Business Leadership South Africa CEO Busi Mavuso says, to her mind,... 

President Cyril Ramaphosa

Access to agricultural land for farming a national priority – Ramaphosa 

By: Sane Dhlamini     5th October 2020 President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Monday that broadening access to agricultural land for commercial production and subsistence farming is a... 

Latest decisions by the Competition Commission

Latest decisions by the Competition Commission

17th September 2020 LATEST DECISIONS BY THE COMPETITION COMMISSION Foschini Retail Group (Pty) Ltd (Foschini Retail)/ The assets and business conducted by Edcon... 

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