Raymond Suttner - Suttner's View
What it meant to be a white person in the liberation struggle
By: Raymond Suttner 16th January 2023 What did it mean to be a white person in a struggle that was widely perceived to be for the liberation of black people and almost entirely... →
Let’s not have illusions over ANC conference election results, we need a re-set 
By: Raymond Suttner 9th January 2023 South Africans are desperate for a new beginning, for a return to the democratic values of 1994. It has been argued that president Cyril... →
Cyril Ramaphosa’s resignation is not main issue. It is attacks on constitutional order
By: Raymond Suttner 5th December 2022 A news headline reads that President Cyril Ramaphosa’s allies believe “they [had] the numbers to mount a fight back” at the ANC NEC meeting, which... →
ANC crisis may foreshadow its demise and deepen state turmoil 
By: Raymond Suttner 21st November 2022 There is little doubt that the ANC is on the way down and we will see its gradual demise. It is not something I would have predicted some time back... →
Ekurhuleni defeat sounds alarm bells for ANC and for democratic stability
By: Raymond Suttner 10th November 2022 It is well known that proportional representation (PR) voting systems are more likely to lead to coalitions than “first past the post”, pure... →
We cannot emerge from the SA political crisis if we mischaracterise it
By: Raymond Suttner 31st October 2022 Carol Paton published a recent opinion piece, unfortunately behind a paywall on News 24... →
No lifeline to people-unfriendly coalitions. Strengthen wider democratic possibilities! A reply to Pierre de Vos 
By: Raymond Suttner 10th October 2022 There is much preoccupation with coalitions as “the future” of South African politics, with study visits and much media focus on the question.... →
We need to find an escape from “choiceless democracy” 
By: Raymond Suttner 3rd October 2022 I have an aversion to being a political spectator and have been involved in politics since my youth in the 1960s, first in the Progressive Party... →
ANC governments caused the problems: they cannot be the ones to resolve them 
By: Raymond Suttner 19th September 2022 The country is in the grip of a range of crises that need to be resolved if democracy is to be salvaged, and people are to be rescued from hunger,... →
Freedom and xenophobia do not belong together – Freedom must be defended and xenophobia banished
By: Raymond Suttner 5th September 2022 The revocation of the Zimbabwe Exemption Permit (ZEP) which would have expelled thousands has now been postponed until June 2023. Clearly Home... →