Raymond Suttner - Suttner's View
New forms of hope and collectivity for universal emancipation in South Africa (Collective and social hope – Part two)
By: Raymond Suttner 21st November 2023 Where do we look for a new form of collectivity for universal emancipation in South Africa? If it’s necessary to build a new collective in place of... →
Rugby World Cup. A one-time aspirant rugby Springbok reflects on the significance of the victory – Part Two 
By: Raymond Suttner 7th November 2023 When I got to university, one of the highlights of the year was the InterVarsity rugby match between UCT and Stellenbosch. By that time, I was... →
Rugby World Cup: A one-time aspirant rugby Springbok reflects on the significance of the victory – Part one 
By: Raymond Suttner 6th November 2023 “The events of the past six weeks are an incredible tribute to the transformation of a symbol that once represented raw Afrikaner nationalism and... →
Demoralisation, passivity and hope – Part Two 
By: Raymond Suttner 31st October 2023 “… It’s important to emphasise that hope is only a beginning; it’s not a substitute for action, only a basis for it. ‘Not everything that is faced... →
Crisis, despair and harnessing hope – Part One 
By: Raymond Suttner 30th October 2023 We are living in a time when every second analyst or academic or forecaster advances a plan as to how we can extricate ourselves from the present... →
South African crisis: despair, hope and the prophetic – Part Two 
By: Raymond Suttner 17th October 2023 What does one do to improve our conditions? When one reads about the notion of hope, some of it is in dense theoretical books (as in Ernst Bloch’s... →
South African crisis: Addressing despair, hope and the prophetic – Part one 
By: Raymond Suttner 16th October 2023 The atmosphere in South Africa in October 2023 is one of pervasive despair, a sense of depression and disillusionment, that things are bad and will... →
The continuing crisis: can we find a way forward? 
By: Raymond Suttner 2nd October 2023 “To the oppressed, and to those who suffer with them and fight at their side”- Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Penguin, 1996, dedication).... →
Stephen Marais’ memoir raises questions and choices beyond the Struggle 
By: Raymond Suttner 27th September 2023 The true confessions of an unrehabilitated terrorist. Anecdotes and Antidotes by Stephen Johannes Marais The genre of prison literature is now... →
The contribution of the UDF and People’s Power to South African freedom – Part six
12th September 2023 Uneven non-sectarianism The success of attempts to establish People’s Power, it has been suggested earlier, depended on being non-sectarian, in... →