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Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 07 June 2023


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Statement on the Cabinet Meeting of 07 June 2023

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9th June 2023


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Cholera outbreak Management 


 1.1.     Cabinet welcomed President Cyril Ramaphosa’s planned visit to and interaction with residents of Hammanskraal.

1.2.     The visit did take place today, Thursday, 08 June, 2023, and this engagement gave the President the opportunity to hear directly from residents about the challenges they face.


1.3.     The President, the Minister of Water and Sanitation and the Executive Mayor of Tshwane were able to assess government interventions in the area and provide relevant feedback to residents. 

 1.4.     Government interventions include the field hospital operational in Kanana, Hammanskraal, and a multi-disciplinary team of experts to arrest the spread which has successfully treated hundreds of people.

1.5.     Work is also underway to ensure that local councils use their water infrastructure grants effectively. For the current financial year, over R14 billion has been set aside for municipalities to address water infrastructure backlogs. 

 1.6.     Cabinet welcomes the cooperation between the City of Tshwane and Department of Water and Sanitation on the planned upgrade of the Rooiwal Water Treatment plant, which will be undertaken over three phases at a cost of R4 billion.

1.7.     Cabinet calls on the affected communities to remain vigilant and to take special care of children.

1.8.     Cholera can be prevented by using safe water. Treat the water first by boiling it for at least 1 minute and always wash your hands with clean water and soap. For more information on prevention tips visit

1.9.     Government thanks those volunteer organisations and individuals who have stepped forward to lend a hand. 


Water Quality Report

2.1.     Cabinet welcomed the reintroduction of the Blue, Green and No Drop Watch which were last conducted  in 2013 and 2015 respectively. The Green, Blue and No Drop Certification programmes are regulatory mechanisms of the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) as the water sector regulator in terms of both the National Water Act and Water Services Act, DWS

2.2.     The aim of this uniquely South African regulatory tool is to improve municipal drinking water quality, wastewater management as well as water conservation and demand management. 

 2.3.     Cabinet deliberated on the results and implications of the 2023, Blue, Green and No Drop Watch reports, which were made public on Tuesday, 6 June.

2.4.     The Watch Reports indicate that there has been a decline in drinking water quality and an increase in non-revenue water since the last Drop reports were issued.

2.5.     Cabinet welcomes measures to be taken by the Department of Water and Sanitation to address  the current state of affairs in relation to water and waste water management. The Minister of Water and Sanitation will in the following weeks announce these measures per Province. 



3.1.     Cabinet welcomed the recent deliberations between the Minister of Electricity, Dr Kgosientsho Ramokgopa and the Mozambican Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy, Carlos Zacarias, to secure additional power from Mozambique to support our national grid.

3.2.     In the immediate term, Mozambique can provide 80MW and a further 1000MW over the medium term. 

 3.3.     Cabinet continues to urge South Africans to support the Winter Demand Management campaign launched by the Minister of Electricity, to save electricity to reduce strain on the national grid and help lower load shedding stages this winter.

3.4.     Cabinet received a report by the Minister of Electricity which detailed recent gains in the management of power stations and other operations which, for example, overcame the need for Eskom to burn diesel this past weekend and avoid load shedding.

3.5.     The Minister of Electricity will brief media at 14h00 tomorrow, Friday, on these and other developments.


Operation Vulindlela

4.1.     Cabinet welcomed the progress under the operation Vulindlela as detailed by the Minister in the Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, with regard to the implementation of structural reforms in the areas of energy supply, logistics network and infrastructure, digital communications and the visa regime. 

 4.2.     The number of completed reforms has risen from three to 11, while a further 14 reforms are on track. The primary focus is on addressing the electricity crisis and improving the efficiency of freight rail, both of which are weighing heavily on economic growth. 


President’s Coordinating Council

5.1.     Cabinet supported President Cyril Ramaphosa’s call during the meeting of the President’s Coordinating Council on 2 June 2023 to accelerate service delivery in response to the needs of communities.

5.2.     The President directed the Council to accelerate service delivery improvement and address challenges in relation to legislation, governance and capacity constraints.

5.3.     The meeting also considered reforms to the Water Act and Water Services Act to provide for better service delivery of water.

5.4.     Similarly, the Council was briefed on interventions by the Department of Transport for emergency work and routine maintenance, as well as primary road transfers from provincial authorities to the national road network for better management of provincial roads by the South African National Roads Agency Limited. 

      Batyi Automotive Component Supply Facility

6.1.     Cabinet welcomed the opening of the Batyi Automotive Component Supply (BACS) Facility in Pretoria which cements the country’s position as a global player in the automotive sector. BACS is a product of an incubation centre by Ford Motor Company and Motherson, a supplier of spray painting and components. 

 6.2.     The centre supports black suppliers to be independent and globally competitive after graduating from the Automotive Industry Development Centre (AIDC’s) Incubation Programme. 

 6.3.     The BACS facility currently employs 60 people, with 30 working the day shift, and 30 the night shift. Moreover, it is looking at bringing in young trainees to further develop their skill sets.


Lufhereng Social Housing Project

7.1.     Cabinet welcomed the Department of Human Settlements’ launch of the Lufhereng Social Housing Project in Soweto, which consists of 407 units of rental stock for targeted beneficiaries.

7.2.     Government’s social housing programme integrates mixed-income groups, curbs the housing backlog and brings backyard and informal settlement dwellers closer to economic opportunities. 


Road Infrastructure

8.1.     The opening of the R56 million road project in Estcourt, KwaZulu-Natal, is part of government’s efforts to improve logistic connectivity in rural towns.

8.2.     Work done on the road project included the upgrading of the D1252 from gravel to tar roads. The road links to the N3, which connects eThekwini and Johannesburg, opening opportunities for local unemployed youth and emerging contractors.

8.3.     With more than 60 per cent of goods transported through the N3 corridor, the road upgrade will further facilitate the efficient movement of goods and services to the rest of South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa. 


Social Partnership

9.1.     Cabinet welcomed the partnership with mining company Impala Platinum in Rustenburg on the building of a clinic and early childhood development centre as part of its Social and Labour Plan.

9.2.     The Freedom Park Clinic and an Early Childhood Development Centre were handed over to the Departments of Health and Basic Education in the North West Province.


Partnership between government and organised business

10.1.   Cabinet welcomed the partnership initiative between Government and organised business to actively work towards removing obstacles to inclusive economic growth and job creation.

10.2.   The current priority areas are in energy, logistics and crime and corruption fighting, with further work being done in pursuit of the jobs agenda. 


Safety and security

11.1.   To monitor and protect communities affected by crime, the SA Police Service has set aside nearly R2 billion to procure drones and vehicles to enhance visibility.

11.2.   R65 million has also been allocated to the top 30 crime-intensive stations to address murder and other contact offences. In addition, Tactical Response Teams are being deployed at stations and districts in areas with high crime rates. 

11.3.   The South African Police Service is also enhancing specialised tracking teams, who will be trained further at provincial and district level to effectively track and apprehend offenders.


Independent Panel of Inquiry

12.1.   Cabinet welcomed the appointment by President Cyril Ramaphosa of a three-member independent panel to enquire into the circumstances of the docking of the Russian vessel known as Lady R.

12.2.   The panel chaired by former Deputy Judge President of the South Gauteng High Court Justice Phineas Mojapelo has been given six weeks to evaluate whether constitutional, legal or other obligations were fulfilled or violated when the vessel docked in Simon’s Town, Cape Town, and will report their findings to the President. 


Envoys to G7 countries

13.1.   Cabinet welcomed President Cyril Ramaphosa’s decision to send ministerial envoys to meet Group of Seven (G7) countries to explain the country’s non-aligned stance on the Russia-Ukraine war. 

13.2.   The envoys will include International Relations & Cooperation Minister Naledi Pandor, Trade, Industry & Competition Minister Ebrahim Patel, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana and Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni. 


BRICS Summit Preparations

14.1.   In preparation for the upcoming BRICS Summit from 22 to 24 August 2023, South Africa successfully hosted the BRICS Foreign Ministers Meeting on 1 June 2023 in Cape Town.

14.2.   Cabinet noted the gazetting of a notice for the Diplomatic Immunity and Privileges Act, which is a standard practice for international summits held in South Africa. 

14.3.   The immunities are for the conference and not for specific individuals.  This is a standard conferment of immunities that we do for all international conferences and summits held in South Africa irrespective of the level of participation. They are meant to protect the conference and its attendees from the jurisdiction of the host country for the duration of the conference.



Bi-Annual Performance Progress Reports

1.1.    Cabinet approved bi-annual performance progress reports for the period October 2022 to March 2023 that form part of the Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) 2019-2024.

1.2.    The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Development will, in the course of the coming week or two brief the nation on the detail of these progress reports.

1.3.    The period under review coincided with disruptive load-shedding which has slowed down economic activity and affected service delivery in the country.

1.4.    However, Cabinet is pleased with the progress that has been made in implementing the key expected deliverables.

1.5.    Cabinet also noted the envisaged recovery programmes that have been outlined by respective clusters.

1.6.    In October 2019, Cabinet approved the MTSF, as government’s five-year programme for the implementation of the NDP 2030 and of the electoral mandate of the Sixth Administration.

1.7.    Cluster departmental reports focus on the seven priorities adopted by government for the sixth administration namely: Priority 1: Building a capable, ethical and developmental state; Priority 2: Economic transformation and job creation; Priority 3: Education, skills and health; Priority 4: Consolidating the social wage through reliable and quality basic services; Priority 5: Spatial integration, human settlements and local government; Priority 6: Social cohesion and safe communities and; Priority 7: A Better Africa and World. 

1.8.    One of the areas of progress is that of social protection which is critical for income security and protecting the vulnerable South Africans.

1.9.    In this regard and to give effect to Priority 4, the 2023 budget for social wage increased to R1 165 billion and this has improved the living conditions of more than 18 million poor South Africans. In keeping with the commitment to address the impact of COVID, more than 27 344 grants were paid to qualifying South Africans by March 2023.  

1.10.          In the period under review, law enforcement has intensified the fight against organised crime. There was an 86,7 per cent increase in the conviction rate of persons arrested for cable theft; this is significant considering the electricity challenges the country is experiencing.


Scrap Metal Ban

2.1.    Cabinet considered a report on progress with measures to reduce theft of scrap metal and copper cable.

2.2.    Regulations were published for public comment.

2.3.    A statement will be issued as soon as the matter has been considered.

2.4.    Cabinet reiterated its determination to ensure that all actions are taken to address this problem that causes damage of billions of rand to the economy and results in energy outages and service interruptions.



1. Hosi Pheni Cyprain Ngove as Chairperson of the Housing Development Agency.



Draft National Small Enterprise Amendment Bill

1.1.         Cabinet approved the introduction of the draft National Small Enterprise Amendment Bill to Parliament. 

1.2.         The draft Bill aims to amend the National Small Enterprise Act (Act 102 of 1996) and provides for the establishment and registration of the Office of Small Enterprise Ombud Service. 

1.3.         It broadens fair processes for small enterprises through the Ombud Service, which will be tasked with considering and disposing of complaints by small enterprises. Implementation of the amendments will realise greater stability to the sector and advance economic opportunity through the creation of job opportunities by small, medium and micro enterprises.

1.4.         In addition to the setting up of the Office; the amendments also include the appointment of Ombud and Deputy Ombud; allocation of powers and functions of Ombud; receipt of complaints, prescription, jurisdiction and investigation; determinations by Ombud; staff of office; delegation by Ombud, Deputy Ombud and Director.



1. Youth Day

1.1.             Cabinet calls on the nation, and especially the youth, to attend this year’s Youth Day commemoration, which will be held over two days, 16 to 17 June 2023 at the Mangaung Outdoor Sport Centre, Mangaung, Bloemfontein, in the Free State. 

1.2.             During these two days, young people will have an opportunity to engage Ministers, Deputy Ministers and other stakeholders on how best they can assist in addressing the country’s development challenges.

1.3.             National days such as Youth Day are days in which South Africans from all backgrounds, beliefs and political persuasions are invited to participate as part of building an inclusive, non-racial South Africa.


2.           District Development Model (DDM) Presidential Imbizo 

2.1.             Preparations are under way for the seventh DDM Presidential Imbizo on 30 June 2023 in the uThukela District Municipality, Kwa Zulu Natal, where government will interact with residents on service delivery challenges, as well plans for development. 

2.2.             A series of build-up outreach activities led by Ministers, MECs and Mayors is already underway to assess service delivery and engage with communities.


3.            2023 Netball World Cup tournament

3.1.             Cabinet urges South Africans to get into the spirit of the 2023 Netball World Cup tournament which will be staged at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from Friday, 28 July, to Sunday, 6 August, 2023.

3.2.             The Vitality Netball World Cup 2023 will be the 16th presentation of this tournament in which 16 participation nations will participate, including our own Proteas. 

3.3.             Supporters are urged to fly the flag and the Protea colours on Fridays each week and communities in Cape Town and elsewhere are urged to prepare to host international players and guests who are likely to visit all parts of the country.

3.4.             The Netball World Cup will build on the success of the International Table Tennis Federation’s World Table Tennis Championship in Durban less than a month ago, and the International Hockey Federation’s Indoor World Cup held in Pretoria in February. 

3.5.             South Africa works diligently and innovatively to attract such global events which place a spotlight on the country and create economic opportunities and support jobs in a range of sectors.




Cabinet extended its congratulations and well wishes to: 

The President of the Republic of Türkiye, His Excellency Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, on his re- election.  

Madam Justice Mahube Betty Molemela following her appointment as President of the Supreme Court of Appeal. 

Musa Motha for flying the flag high and reaching the finals of Britain’s Got Talent. His inspirational dance performance received the first ever-combined Golden Buzzer from the judges. 

The Mzansi Youth Choir who made history during their performance on America's Got Talent by receiving the first-ever group golden buzzer. The group golden buzzer automatically advances the choir to the semi-finals taking place in August 2023.

Professor Taole Mokoena following his appointment as the new health ombudsman.


Cabinet expressed condolences to the family and friends of: 

Analyst, broadcaster and author Eusebius McKaiser who during his career occupied a number of posts in South African media, including 702, the Mail & Guardian, the Sunday Times, Business Day and Power fm.

Legendary actor Patrick Ndlovu whose contribution to South African arts and culture spanned for more than four decades.

 Television personality and radio broadcaster Marietjie Bothma who won the hearts of many with her fluency in Zulu and other South African languages, 

The government and the people of India, in particular the families of the deceased following the train accident in the state of Odisha



Issued by Government Communication and Information System (GCIS)



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