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Nkoana-Mashabane launches first forum on national strategic plan on GBVF


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Nkoana-Mashabane launches first forum on national strategic plan on GBVF

Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Maite Nkoana-Mashabane
Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Maite Nkoana-Mashabane

1st September 2021

By: Yvonne Silaule


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Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities Maite Nkoana-Mashabane recently launched the first national engagement forum on the National Strategic Plan (NSP) on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF), under the theme ‘National Accountability for Delivery on the NSP on GBVF 2020-2030 in South Africa’.

President Cyril Ramaphosa released the Year 1 Implementation Report 2020/21 on the NSP on GBVF on Women’s Day.


The purpose of the webinar was to unpack the report, discuss the recommendations and identify priorities for Year 2.

The report documents government’s efforts, supported by the Multi-Sectoral Collaborative Platform, in realising the outcomes of the NSP on GBVF.


The Inter-Ministerial Committee on GBVF comprises of Nkoana-Mashabane as the convener and the Ministers of Social Development; Police; Justice; Public Service Administration and National Treasury.

The NSP povides a cohesive framework that will guide the national response to the GBVF crisis affecting South Africa. The plan outlines a comprehensive strategic response to GBVF with a specific focus on violence against all women – across age, physical location, disability, sexual orientation, sexual and gender identity and national identity – as well as violence against children, and how these serve to reinforce each other.

According to Nkoana-Mashabane, the vision underpinning the plan is a South Africa that is free from gender-based violence directed at women; children; and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual, or (LGBTQIA+, persons.

“As we are into Year 2 of the NSP, the focus is on continued solid commitment and leadership to drive our national agenda towards eradicating GBVF through NSP implementation. At the centre of our focus is localisation, multisectoral progress reporting and results-based monitoring. As outlined previously, these are already in motion.”

She said a ten -framework provides a coordinated and cross sectoral response to fully eradicating the scourge.

The processes include the development of monitoring and evaluation plans, incorporation of targets into annual performance plans, Integrated Development Plans and budgets, as well as providing technical support towards the establishment of provincial and local coordination structures, including the establishment of Rapid Response Teams at district and local levels.

The Minister said that accountability was at the heart of preventing and responding to GBVF.

“It is through accountability that we will be able to ensure the full implementation of the NSP on GBVF. Over the past few months, we have all witnessed how the Covid-19 pandemic has compounded and increased the risks of GBVF. Therefore, urgent action must be taken to ensure we facilitated a well-coordinated and resourced response to GBVF,” Nkoana-Mashabane said.


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