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The Minister of Finance, Mr. Enoch Godongwana, will deliver the 2025 Budget Speech before the National Assembly (NA) on Wednesday, 19 February 2025, at 14:00. The sitting will take place at the Nieuwmeester Dome, the temporary chamber of Parliament.
The Budget allocation aligns with the priorities outlined by President Cyril Ramaphosa in his 2025 State of the Nation Address (SONA 2025), delivered two weeks ago. In his address, the President detailed the national government’s plans to address the country’s unemployment crisis and other socio-economic challenges.
The Budget Speech aims to balance economic growth with support for vulnerable communities, despite limited resources. During his address, Minister Godongwana will present the government’s financial, economic, and social commitments, outlining expenditure priorities for 2025. He will also propose revenue collection measures to fund these interventions.
The Minister will also introduce the Appropriation Bill and table the Division of Revenue Bill, which Parliament will process in the coming months.
The following two weeks, from 18 to 28 February, have been set aside for delegates to the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) to attend to their respective State of the Province Addresses.
On Thursday at 08:30, the NCOP will convene its Programming Committee meeting to plan for its parliamentary business. The meeting will, among other things, consider the House’s draft programme, committee reports and bills before the Council.
International engagements
From Tuesday, 18 to the 25 February, the Pan African Parliament (PAP) has scheduled sittings of its Permanent Committees in Midrand, Johannesburg. The PAP is one of the key institutions of the African Union (AU), established to promote democracy, governance and continental integration. While it operates as a consultative and advisory body (with plans to evolve into a legislative institution), its role is multifaceted and critical to advancing the AU’s vision of a united, prosperous Africa.
The various committees meet twice a year, and their meetings are intended to involve people from all African states in discussions and decision-making on the challenges facing the continent, including economic development and integration.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, Parliament will host a delegation of members of the European Parliament in Cape Town. The meeting is part of the 28th SA-EU Inter-Parliamentary Meeting (IPM) activities of the European Parliament, which seeks to strengthen relations with South Africa. The delegation has a series of meetings with stakeholders from 17 to 19 February, including attending the Budget Speech on Wednesday.
There are 29 committee meetings this week, scheduled as follows:
Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development: Briefing by the Parliamentary Legal Services on the Protection of State Information Bill. Virtual meeting platform, 09:30
Portfolio Committee on Science, Technology & Innovation: Briefing by the Department of Science, Technology & Innovation (DSTI) on its Astro-Tourism Strategy Cape Town. M314, Third Floor, Marks Building, 09:30 – 12:30
Portfolio Committee on Transport: Briefing by the Air Service Licensing Council and the International Air Service Licensing Council on their legislative mandates. Consideration and adoption of Committee Report on the 2024/25 Second Quarter Expenditure of the Department of Transport. Consideration and adoption of minutes of proceedings. S12A, Upper Ground Floor, NCOP Building, 09:30
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies: Briefing by GCIS on the progress towards the finalisation of the (i) GCIS White Paper Draft Policy; (ii) filling of critical vacancies; (iii) the status update on the governance of the Boards of Entities; and (vi) relevance and adaptability of the GCIS to deliver government information in a digital economy. Briefing by GCIS on the introduction and presentation of the MAC Charter Council and mandate of the Charter to achieve transformational goals. Virtual meeting platform, 09:00 – 13:00
Portfolio Committee on Basic Education: Briefing by DBE on Updated Status Report on ECD integration processes and Grade R Implementation Processes. Consideration of Draft Minutes and Draft Reports. Venue to be confirmed, 09:30 – 12:30
Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities: Briefing by the Department of Basic Education (Northern Cape, Limpopo, Free State, North-West, and KZN) on implementing the Sanitary Dignity Programme, learner pregnancy and the exclusion from the education system of children with disabilities. Room 1, M46, Castle of Good Hope, 09:30 – 13:00
Select Committee on Economic Development and Trade: Briefing by the NCC on its Second Quarterly Progress report for the 2024/25 financial year. Briefing by the National Consumer Commission on its response to the national disaster of food-borne illnesses. Consideration and adoption of minutes. M515, Fifth Floor, Marks Building, 10:00 – 13:00
Select Committee on Public Petitions and Executive Undertakings: Briefing by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs to appear before the committee on 18 February 2025 to provide the committee with a progress report regarding the ministry's executive undertakings during the sitting on 16 July 2024. Venue to be confirmed. 16:00 – 18:00
Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs: Committee Consideration and Adoption of the report on donations limit and disclosure threshold to fund political parties, independent candidates and independent representatives. Briefing by the Minister of Home Affairs on matters of governance raised by labour unions and GPW management and the minister’s oversight visit to Bosman Printing Factory. Committee Room 2, Upper ground, 90 Plein Street Building 10:00 – 13:00
Select Committee on Education and Creative Industries: Briefing by the Department of Basic Education on the following: 2024 National Senior Certificate (NSC) Results, Second Chance Matric Programme, and consideration and adoption of Draft Minutes. Venue to be confirmed, 10:00 – 13:00
Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry: Briefing by the DTIC on its 2nd and 3rd Quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2024/25 financial year. Consideration of the first draft of the committee’s report on the DTIC’s 2024/25 amended Annual Performance Plan. Virtual meeting platform 09:30 – 13:00
Portfolio Committee on Minerals and Petroleum Resources: Briefing by the Department on the state of the South African petroleum industry. Consideration and adoption of minutes of 11 February 2025 and Update by the support staff on the oversight visit to Mpumalanga. M46, Fourth Floor, Marks Building, 09:30 – 12:30
Standing Committee on Public Accounts: Hearing on the Annual Report and Financial Statements of the Department of Defence, Department of Military Veterans, Denel, and SIU Investigations. M514, Marks Building, 09:00 – 14:00.
Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training: Briefing by the University of Witwatersrand (Wits) on readiness for the 2025 academic year, governance, administration, teaching and learning, and related matters. Parliament, Good Hope Chamber, 09:00 – 13:00
Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements: Briefing by Petitioners – Mr Phoswa about the upgrading of Slovo Park Informal Settlement and compliance with the High Court Order 2016. Briefing by the Commission for Gender Equality on the findings and recommendations that affects the Department of Human Settlements. Virtual meeting platform, 09:00 – 13:00
Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans. Briefing by the DOD on 2024/25 Quarter 3 expenditure and performance report. Briefing by the Chief of the SANDF on the administration of consequence management in the SANDF and slow progress of Boards of Inquiry related to Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure. Consideration of outstanding minutes. Parliament, M201, Second Floor, Marks Building, 10:00 – 13:00
Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure: Briefing by the DPWI on progress regarding outstanding legislation (Public Works Bill, Infrastructure Development Bill, CBE Bill, and CIDB Bill. Consideration and adoption of minutes. Committee Room 5, Fifth Floor, 90 Plein Street, 09:30 – 12:30.
Select Committee on Public Infrastructure and Minister in the Presidency: Joint Oral Submission by Biodiversity Law Centre (BLC), SANCOB, BirdLife South Africa (BLSA), The Green Connection, and Natural Justice on the Marine Oil Pollution (Preparedness, Response and Cooperation Bill of 2022. Department of Transport Response to the Oral and Written Submissions on the Marine Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation Bill. S12A, Ground Floor, NCOP Building 10:00 – 13:00.
Joint meeting with Select and Standing Committee on Appropriations, Select and Standing Committees on Finance: 2025 Budget Lock-up Session. Minor Hall, Second Floor, City Hall. 11:00 – 14:00
Portfolio Committee on Police: Briefing by SAPS on outcomes of the 2024/25 Safer Festive Season Operations. Feedback by SAPS on extortion-related crimes during and after the festive season. Continuation of SAPS briefing on capacitation to the detective services. WS3/116, Third Floor, 90 Plein Street, 09:00 – 12:30
Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration: Briefing by the Department of Public Service and Administration on the reforms in the recruitment processes informed by the Professionalisation Framework and appointments of foreign nationals employed in the public service. Briefing by the Public Service Commission on the alignment between the Medium-Term Development Plan and the National Framework Towards Professionalisation of the Public Sector for purposes of building a capable, ethical and developmental state in the 7th Administration. Briefing by the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation on the developed monitoring tool comprising indicators and targets to measure performance of the Medium-Term Development Plan relating to implementation of the National Framework Towards Professionalisation of the Public Sector across government. Consideration and adoption of the minutes. Sanlam Golden Acre Building, 21st Floor, Adderley Street, Cape Town, 10h00 – 13h00
Portfolio Committee on Social Development: Briefing by the Department of Social Development on the second term quarterly report on the financial and non-financial performance for the 2024/25 financial year (July – September 2024). Consideration and adoption of minutes. Committee Room 1, 90 Plein Street Building, Parliament: 09:30 – 13:00
Portfolio Committee on Health: Briefing by the Department of Health on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Quarter Reports. Virtual meeting platform, 09:30 – 13:00
Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry: Briefing by the CIPC on the status of its implementation of the Zondo Commission Recommendation and Grey-listing. Virtual meeting platform, 09:30 – 13:00
Portfolio Committee on Electricity and Energy: Briefing by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) on the impact of the State of the Nation Address (SONA) on the activities of the Department of Electricity and Energy and its entities. Update by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy on the legislative programme (specifically relating to Electricity and Energy) and possible timeframes relating to the tabling to Parliament. Consideration and adoption of the revised Committee First Term programme for 2025. Consideration and adoption of outstanding minutes. S35,First Floor, NCOP Building, 09:30 – 13:00
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies: Presentations by the MNOs on progress made on (i) USO and Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD); (ii) Compliance with the Competition Commission order as well as the ICASA license conditions; and (iii) Cyber security challenges. Adoption of minutes. S12A, Ground Floor, NCOP Building, 10:00 – 16:00
Joint meeting with Select and Standing Committee on Appropriations, Select and Standing Committees on Finance: Briefing by the Minister of Finance on the 2025 Budget. Good Hope Chambers, 12:00 – 14:00
Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training: Briefing by the Nelson Mandela University (NMU) and University of Mpumalanga (UMP) on readiness for the 2025 academic year, governance, administration, teaching and learning, and related matters. Parliament, Good Hope Chamber, 09:00 – 16:00
Joint Standing Committee on Defence: Engagement with external stakeholders (academia) on South African Defence Policy developments since the 1996 White Paper on Defence and required future policy directions. Consideration of outstanding minutes. Parliament, Committee Room M46, Ground Floor, Marks Building, 10:00 – 13:00
Issued by Parliament of South Africa
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