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Happening in Parliament this week


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Happening in Parliament this week

Happening in Parliament this week

26th August 2024


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Questions to the President, the National Council of Provinces’ (NCOP) Three-Sphere Planning Session and the Debate on National Women’s Day are items scheduled this week on Parliament’s event calendar.

The NCOP will, from Tuesday to Thursday, convene its first Three Sphere Planning Session of the Seventh Parliament, under the theme: “Towards an Oversight Agenda for the Seventh Parliament: Delineating Key Oversight Priorities for the NCOP in the Seventh Parliament.” The three-day planning session seeks to, among others, ensure that appropriate mechanisms and systems are put in place to effectively address policy implementation weaknesses and coordination disjuncture across the three spheres of government, particularly as the seventh dispensation commences its work.


During its plenary on Tuesday at 2 pm, the National Assembly (NA) will hold a debate on National Women’s Day, under the theme: “Celebrating 30 years of freedom and women development”. The plenary will also consider the Report of the Portfolio Committee on Sport, Arts and Culture on a letter dated 14 September 2023, from the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, requesting the NA to commence with the process for the appointment of the Pan South African Language Board, as outlined in Pan South African Language Board Act (Act No 59 of 1995).

President Cyril Ramaphosa is scheduled to appear before the NA hybrid plenary, on Thursday at 2 pm, to provide oral replies to questions from Members of the House. Oral question sessions with the President are scheduled at least once a quarter during session time within Parliament’s annual programme. Questions for Oral Reply sessions are one of the mechanisms Parliament uses to hold the Executive to account. ThePresident and his Cabinet are accountable to Parliamentfor the exercise of their powers and performance of their functions - as stipulated in Section 92(2) of the Constitution.


On Wednesday at 3 pm, Ministers in the Peace and Security Cluster will appear before the NA for an oral question and answer session. The cluster comprises Ministers responsible for Defence and Military Veterans, Home Affairs, International Relations and Cooperation, Justice and Constitutional Development, Correctional Services, Police, State Security and Minister in the Presidency.

On Thursday at 08.30, the NA and the NCOP will convene their respective Programming Committee meetings to plan for the business of Parliament. The meetings will, among others, consider each House’sdraft programme, committee reports, and Bills before them.

There are 17 committee meetings scheduled from Tuesday until Wednesday for this week as outlined below:


Portfolio Committee on Transport, Briefing by the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) on the state of audit outcomes in the Transport portfolio. Briefing by the Department of Transport on its 2023/24 Fourth Quarter and the 2024/25

Portfolio Committee on Mineral and Petroleum Resources, Briefing by the Department and entities on all Recommendations of the BRRR for the year 2023; Responses on selected Oversight Reports.

Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, Briefing by the Competition Commission and Competition Tribunal on their annual performance plans and budgets.

Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Briefing by the Office of the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) on the 2022-23 local government audit outcomes.

Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, Briefing & Presentation on Investment in Early Childhood Development (ECD) in respect of Funding Shift, Curriculum, Teacher/Care Giver Development, Resource Allocation and Registration.

Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, Briefing by the National Youth Development Agency on the Annual Performance Plan and Budget for 2024/25 and continuation of discussions on induction workshop.

Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies, Briefing by the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) on progress made in the implementation of its performance and turnaround strategy; Briefing by the Department of Communications and Digital Technologies (DCDT) on progress made in resolving tariff dispute between the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) and Sentech; Briefing by DCDT on the SABC Bill and analysis by Content Advisors on the public written responses received on the Bill in the 6th Parliament.

Standing Committee on Appropriations, Briefing by the Financial and Fiscal Commission on the 2025/26 Division of Revenue; Consideration and adoption of the Committee`s Programme for Term 2.


Portfolio Committee on Social Development, Briefing by the Constitutional and Legal Services Office (CLSO) on the drafting of the Committee Bill on the Children’s Amendment Bill [B18 – 2020] and legal implications of the Constitutional Court judgment; Hosting a delegation from Namibian Parliament on a benchmarking study visit to learn and share experiences.

Portfolio Committee on Police, Consideration of the 2024/25 Annual Performance Plan and Budget of the Private Security Industry Authority (PSIRA); Briefing by the CSPS on Legislative Schedule for 7th Parliament.

Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, Engagement with the Office of Auditor-General South Africa on the state of Audit Outcomes in the Portfolio of Human Settlements.

Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, Briefing by the ECIC and ITAC on their annual performance plans and budgets.

Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, Briefing by the DPWI/PMTE and Infrastructure South Africa (ISA) on the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan (ERRP), the National Development Plan (NDP), the Infrastructure Development Act (IDA, 2014) and the National Infrastructure Plan 2050.

Portfolio Committee on Small Business Development, Role of the Department of Sketching up the work of the Committee and prioritisation of issues (induction of the Committee Members Monitoring and Evaluation/ National Treasury); Oversight collaboration with institutions supporting democracy and other institutions: Briefing by the Auditor-General of South Africa on its role in supporting the Committee.

Portfolio Committee on Health, Information sharing session with the Parliament of Namibia; Briefing by the Competition Commission South Africa on the Health Market Inquiry Report.

Portfolio Committee on Land Reform and Rural Development, Auditor-General: Audit Outcomes for land reform and rural development – ITB; Discussion about the audit outcomes – trends in compliance and key areas of focus; DPME - 30-year review on Land Reform and Rural Development and implementation of NDP.

Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans, Engagement with the Office of the Auditor-General of South Africa on its functions and support to Parliament, as well as an overview of recent audit findings in of the DOD and DMV.


Issued by Parliament of South Africa



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