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The City’s 12 months moving average payment ratio of more than 97% shows that the majority of residents continue to pay their accounts. We thank our customers for their support and payments and we continue to improve our offering where required. Those who are struggling are encouraged to approach the City for help.
'The City has an annual payment ratio of 97,01% and a monthly payment ratio of 108,62% as at 31 March 2023. This indicates that the majority of Capetonians are able to pay their municipal accounts, and furthermore that residents trust in the City’s ability to manage public funds responsibly. Those who do struggle to pay their accounts should please approach us for assistance.
'It is important that municipal income is protected. Without it, the City will not be able to provide basic and essential services to residents. Anyone struggling to pay their municipal account is encouraged to approach the City and discuss their circumstances with us. It is essential that all residents know there is help on offer. Our policies aim to accommodate everyone according to their income level. The City reiterates its call for residents who are in financial difficulty to go to their nearest customer care office and see if they qualify for assistance.
'We are building a resilient, well-positioned City of Hope and we thank our residents for paying their municipal accounts and for making it possible for us to continue to deliver excellent services,' said the City's Mayoral Committee Member for Finance, Councillor Siseko Mbandezi.
For rates or services relief
Visit: https://bit.ly/applyrelief or a City customer office.
Email: indigent.relief@capetown.gov.za
Pensioner rates relief
Pensioners 60 years or older and people who receive social grants with a total monthly income of not more than R17 500, increased to R22 000 from 1 July 2023, may qualify for a rates rebate of between 10% and 100%. They are invited to go to the nearest City customer care office or send an email to rates.rebate@capetown.gov.za. For more information on how to apply for pensioner support: https://bit.ly/applyseniorsupport
Rental housing relief
If you are renting a community residential unit from the City, you may also apply for additional financial support if you are struggling to pay your rent and qualify for rental housing relief.
Human Settlements Directorate's Call Centre: 021 444 0333 or WhatsApp: 063 299 9927
For payment arrangements
Visit: https://bit.ly/arrangepaymentplan
Email: Payment.arrangements@capetown.gov.za
Submitted by the City of Cape Town
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