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ADeC: Public Engagement Manifesto


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ADeC: Public Engagement Manifesto

ADeC: Public Engagement Manifesto

12th February 2019


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As the African Democratic Change, we recognize that our country and its people are at social and economic impasse. The liberation struggle was fought, and its mission fulfilled. We commit to take the baton of our liberators forward through a morally driven and strong leadership, good governance, and a future-looking approach. We will undertake this by uniting the people of South Africa through our shared interest and shared a common identity - all of which is underpinned by the principles of UBUNTU. The spirit of UBUNTU, as well as the values and commitments outlined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996, will guide and inform our pursuits of change and transformation. We vow to re-liberate the people of South Africa from its persisting inequalities and injustices by prioritizing quality systems of education and skills development that are responsive to the needs of our economy. We vow to effective and inclusive social economic transformation. African Democratic Change affirms that South Africa Works when South Africans Unite.
We believe in a united South Africa principled on the philosophy of UBUNTU that drives sustainable and inclusive economic change by empowering its people.We envision a socially cohesive people that are conscious and community orientated. Ethical, moral and transparent leadership that will pave the way for a South Africa that is equal, just and surpasses its potential.
• Create a society where all people have the means and skills
• Create an inclusive non-racialized South African identity, premised on the philosophy of UBUNTU, that binds the diverse people of our country towards a common vision that safeguards democracy and human rights for sustained equality, peace and prosperity.
Our Mission as the African Democratic Change is to; fulfil their potential in a manner that fosters collaboration and installs dignity. This equates to ensuring the development of quality education and skills that are responsive to the needs of our economy. Furthermore, a transformed society where our youth and women receive the opportunities and respect, they deserve
• Create a capable South African state that is governed by moral, ethical and transparent leadership which engages its people and demands accountability which sets the precedence for good governance and innovation within Africa and the broader international community.  
Governance, Constitutional and democratic Principles:
1) We want all government policy drafting to be guided by people-centred social economic transformation.
2) Presidents, Premiers and Mayors are directly elected to enhance accountability and improve the democratic participation of the people as a whole.
3) Voters are empowered to recall any popularly elected representative through constitutional means.
4) The current system of Local Government Elections shall be used to elect national and provincial legislatures representatives.
5) Any public representative found to have been inconsistent with the law shall be held accountable.
6) All structures of government shall allow public participation in decision making of budgets and priorities.
7) The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) shall be truly nonpartisan and shall be acceptable to all contesting political parties, movements and the people as a whole.
8)  Chapter 9 of the Constitution and all institutions appointment processes to be an inclusive process to avoid corruption and political tampering.
9) Chapter 9 institutions and all institutions supporting democracy shall be empowered and adequately funded to perform according to expectations.
10) Accountability based on direct participatory processes.
11) Removal of Provinces and the District Municipalities thus cutting government cost of doing business. Linking National government to metropolitans ensuring the development of municipalities and benefitting service delivery.

Economic Transformation:
1) Economic emancipation and eradication of poverty by 2030
2) All individuals in the private and public sector who would have been found to have taken part in corrupt activity to face minimum jail time of 10 years, e.g. Bosasa benefactors, VBS looters …
3) We want an inclusive economy that will address inequalities in our society, through programs like the introduction of workers shares and community empowerment entities.
4) All service providers to the state, to have found to have under-delivered or not delivered at all to pay back all monies paid to them, and if unable to then face jail time.
5) Legalise prostitution.
6) Fully re-Legalise cannabis.
7)  Move electricity production away from nuclear and coal. Investing more into Biomass, hydro and solar power plants.
8) To close the unemployment gap by 2030 through the beneficiation of our minerals resources and produces to create real jobs.
9) The land will play a major role in real economic growth, through land expropriation with compensation from colonising states with payment of reparations.
10) The ADEC shall instruct all municipalities, provincial governments to allocate budgets to community co-operative businesses for community participation in development and maintenance.
11) A revision of the Reserve bank duties in collaboration with provincial administration shall be created to among other functions help to supervise the creation of rural and townships co-operative banks thus fostering healthy competition with existing banks that drive the growth of the economy.
12) Workers and Co-operative businesses shall be assisted, incubated, mentored, modelled and guided to form co-operative banks using the Co-operatives financial sector act of 1995 as amended in 2007 and further amended in 2013.
13) Community Stokvels shall be encouraged, supervised and licensed, and together with co-operative bank financed by the state.
14) The state shall budget and support agricultural programmes through subsidisation of all farms as is done internationally.
15) Emerging Agricultural co-operatives shall be assisted with tools, seeds, fertilizers, manure, and skills to produce for commercialization of their products. As well as capacitation programmes.
16) Land restitution shall be accompanied by the Integrated Development Plan and Commercial farming programs. Communities that qualify for land restitution shall not be allowed to sell the land to private individuals or substitute land return with money but will be provided with support to utilize the land to its best potential.
17) Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) shall be the point of entry to formal business and employment.
18) The Employment Equity Act (Affirmative Action) has not worked and therefore shall be transformed to accommodate all, rather than serve the elite. The BEE and the BBEE are exploited by and serve those in power, these are corrupted and flawed and must be transformed to suit the needs of the people.
19) ADEC will work with legitimate Trade unions, MPs, MPLs, Councillors, and various stakeholders to visit companies for inspection, investigation, and prosecution of those who deviate and do not comply with labour laws.
20) We shall resuscitate and strengthen the Proudly South African campaign and we will not allow imports of products, where the supplier internationally cannot prove that they adhere to basic employment laws within their own countries and pay their staff minimum wage. South Africa must protect its own industries against foreign exploitation.
21) We shall protect the local industries by subsidizing those companies in distress. Ensure reasonable charges for public and advertising in billboards and media.
22) We shall promote and sustain co-operative ownership and participation of the workers and the poor.
23) ADEC shall balance the social expenditure and the economic expenditure with the aim of encouraging community participation and the internal circulation of the currency.
24) We will ensure adequate funding to TVET Colleges and other tertiary institutions with more emphasis on science, technology, engineering and mathematics
25) ADEC will open routes for previously disadvantaged businesses and co-operative businesses to international markets for the import and exporting products at a subsidized price from the state.
26) We shall revive the Uitenhage motor construction industry that existed in the Eastern Cape and was sold by the current regime to the foreign motor industry. Thus, promoting the automobile sector and reducing the importation of foreign cars and vehicles. ADEC shall encourage motor industries, investors, to construct cars and vehicles internally expanding this sector in the bid to create employment.
27) We shall provide support for small food processing industries and build more vegetable markets for organic products. Thereby promoting the accessibility to the masses, of healthy food.
28) ADEC shall place more stringent measures and regulate food obtainable from foreign-owned retail outlets and encourage them to buy more locally produced products.
29) We will encourage forestation and re-forestation businesses and incentivize participants at a living wage.
30) We will ensure that malls in rural and townships areas are owned by previously disadvantage communities directly and/or through a franchise with state assistance programs where necessary.
31) We will maintain and consolidate economies that are doing well while strengthening mechanisms to assist companies in distress to protect jobs. Set up a stabilization fund where necessary after feasibility studies.
32) ADEC will build infrastructure for economic growth and development. Ensuring that local labour is prioritized for training, skilling and employment on project management as well as general work with an approved salary scale.
33) ADEC will promote the utilization of sustainable and eco-friendly energy by constructing more biomass-, hydro-, solar- and wind electrical power stations thereby creating sustainable jobs in the power sector. There shall be a drive towards the development of new, cleaner technology to reduce emissions from power stations.
34) We will protect labour and human capital from the effects of fourth industrial economic revolution, identifying and promoting aspects away from technology that requires human capital and re-training individuals that may be rendered redundant due to the progress of technology in their field of expertise.
35)  ADEC shall encourage, budget and fund all sports codes as a form of job creation, employment and combating crime. Government shall be instructed to fund school sports and competitions thereof. Schools Sports League shall be independent of professional sports bodies.
36) We shall review and outlaw all tendering and procurement systems that forbid direct employment by government and discourage out-sourcing and labour brokerage, that takes away employer liability from private companies. Employment agents and labour brokers shall be abolished, and no contractual work shall be allowed.
37) We shall establish new industries on state land that lies dormant and unused. This shall encourage new residential areas, businesses, and job opportunities.
38) All mines shall be progressively co-operated in a joint venture Public Private Partnership (PPPS) for a period before it is fully owned by the communities.
39) Our mineral resources should beneficiate our people by means of job creations. Instead of sending our raw material to other countries only to have them come back expensive to us.
40) Mines are responsible for the protection of the health of the communities affected by mining operations as well as the local environment.
41) ADeC will ensure the protection of the agriculture sector from the international GMO sector, which is crippling our agricultural sector.
42) ADeC will encourage SA investors to create a local motor manufacturing industry.
43) ADeC will create an assisted sustainability wage. All South Africans to receive an assisted sustainability wage from birth, at a proposed amount of R400,00 pm.
44) ADeC ensures equal pay and working rights of women by 2025.


Social Transformation:
Social Grants and Pensions:
1) Pensions to be increased to the state-mandated minimum wage amount of R3500,00 pm.
2) Child grants to be increased to R800,00 pm
3) Disability grants to be received by all disabled South Africans at an amount of R3500,00 pm.
Service Delivery:
1) All South Africans are entitled homes and basic services.
2) The development of industries shall happen simultaneously with the development of homes.
3) Each family will be allocated no less than a 60m2 piece of serviced land where to build a home. A budget would be allocated to the family which shall build the type of a home of choice.
4) ADeC will ensure that every home has access to infrastructure, water, and sanitation.
5) Agricultural food gardens shall be encouraged in the backyards of homes. The state shall assist with tools and seeds to those families who shall use backyards for agriculture.
6) No family shall be without an un-electrified home without own electrical meter, water, and bathroom.
7) Rural homes shall be provided with running water, tar roads, crossing bridges, schools, and transport for children and workers.
8) Removal of all pit toilets and bucket systems by 2030.
9) The present RDP housing communities need to be redeveloped.
Safety and Security:
1) All police to be provided with training equal to that of international standards and to be compliant by 2021.
2) Redevelop correctional services to reduce repeat offenders
3) All those found guilty of racism and hate speech to undergo a 6-month rehabilitation program and 6 months of community service.
1) Free and compulsory education from Early Childhood Development to tertiary levels.
2) Education must be available in all languages.
3) Bring Higher education into the 4th Industrial revolution by establishing a free online university to all South Africans.
4) Offering psychometric testing at all levels of education. Pre-primary, Primary, secondary and higher educational levels.
5) Reintroduction of teaching and Agri-colleges that are in line with the 4th industrial revolution.
6) Early Childhood Development must fall under the Department of Basic Education.
7) Directly employ all ECD (Early Childhood Development) workers by the Department of Basic Education.
8) Increase pass mark requirements to an international standard as well as offer a syllabus equal to that of the Cambridge syllabus.
9) Offer drivers education, ensuring every child levels school with a driver’s license.
10) All public school to be developed to the level of Private schools by 2025.
1) HPV (human papillomavirus) and other STI (Sexual Transmitted Infections) vaccinations to be provided for by the state, by 2021.
2) STI (Sexual Transmitted Infections) testing to be available at all clinics.
3) Mental Health Clinics to be established in all municipalities as well a mental health awareness campaigns to be rolled out in all rural, informal and township areas by 2021
4) Health Care facilities to be upgraded and state doctors, nurses to be adequality trained annually.
5) Every State hospital to offer an equal level of services as private hospitals by 2025.
6) Full re-legalization of cannabis for medical purposes.
7) Eradication of hunger by 2030.
8) Ensure water and food security by 2025. Investing in water and food production in line with the 4th industrial revolution. Building more damns.
9) Rehabilitation centers to be linked or in the nearby state clinics.
International Policy:
1) Stop the Chinese economic colonisation of South Africa and Africa.
2) ADeC wants the unification of Africa starting with the SADC region.
Our policy guidelines are constantly being updated to keep in line with the changing socio-economic landscape of South Africa and shall always receive inputs and contributions from members of ADEC and South Africa as a whole. Those who agree with our principles of building the country with a character of honest leadership. The manifesto document is a discussion document.
Those who wish to participate further in our manifesto development can email
We are a movement of disciplined men and women, driven by the principles of the struggle of the working people and the poor. We live with them, we talk to them, we listen to them, we learn from them, we live for them and we are encouraged by them as we speak and do on their behalf not for them. We do not dispute the fact that at times as a family we may be part of strategic alliances or tactical alliances with certain organs to achieve a particular goal or to pave a way forward.
We are aware that there are many areas of policy points that we have omitted, for example, Safety and Security, Justice System, Transport, Arts, Sports and Culture and so on.
This manifesto discussion document is adequate for us to begin the discussion. It is not an Act or a Bill. It is the short-term guide for us to focus on urgent critical areas that our people have raised with us as we have consulted with them.
We hope we have captured almost all critical issues that our people wanted to see us attending too and commenting about. With this manifesto guide, we can start saying we are ready to engage and be engaged.
South Africa works, when South Africans Unite!



Issued by African Democratic Change


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